Nevertheless, life is still moving, and so am I.
Speaking of moving. Since my last post, I moved in to town, and back home again. I will not go into details the reasons of my moving back, but there were plenty.
I also have got two new additions to my family; the cute, yet constantly gnawing little hamster Kokos
..and my gorgeous, but constantly-eloping babybunny, Tifa. She is actually on the run in this moment of writing. *Looking after her out the window*
This weekend I went to Bergen with my friend Mii<3
She has a boyfriend there ^x^ *giggle*
He was really nice! He dropped me of in the city centre, and they picked me up again the day we went back home. #Adorable.
Isn't she just gorgeous?? <3
Things didn't turn out the way I planned, but I had a great weekend still. Got to see some of my Folk High School friends again, and did some shopping too.. ^^ #Inevitable.
Back home again, writing for Le stupid Exam. Gah, I really need vacation now! *Gief Gief*
Well. Take care, now. Bunny out! ^x^