Everybody's talking about it, but how do you know when it's there? Or that it's getting there at all?
What if it never shows up?
"Carpe Diem" someone once said. I must say, I fully agree. If you're not completely, absolutely positively and 100% sure that you know of it, how will you ever be sure that you're not missing out of "the moment"?
I don't believe in such a theory. I believe that the moment is now. Seize the day. Grasp the moment.
Dare not - win not (or something like that, English phrases has never been one of my talents).
Those who choose to travel around the world are greatly admired, by yours truly of course. To have the nerves, the courage and not to forget the opportunity to do so, whom which I believe includes more of us than we'd like to acknowledge, is really something I'd like to take part of, to some point.

I've always heard about it, but never imagined that I once would be able to do the same.. But most hopefully, I am able to, and if everything goes like I want it to, then the story of the exchange students will include me as well!! Who would imagine? I'm sure I couldn't, until now.
It's not that hard.. People with far less worldexperience than myself (24 countries, 4 continents and counting..) have succeeded, so why shouldn't I?

To think the unthinkable, to dream the dreams you never dared to dream. That's what giving me the shivers.
And I like it.. I think.